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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5mGeR4AQdM 3:45

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10分鐘的Little David,沒有字幕,配樂蠻可愛的...

原版:Harold and the Purple Crayon 5 minutes

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四年級下學期第四課單字:bear, monkey, goat, horse, tiger, elephant, lion, zebra


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Tumble 兒童電子書 需要帳號密碼


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教到Days of the week,就想到Eric Carle的毛毛蟲。每天都不停的吃,直到變成美麗的蝴蝶為止。

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In this playful introduction to maps and geography, step by simple step, a young girl shows readers herself on a map of her room, her room on the map of her house, her house on the map of her street--all the way to her country on a map of the world. Once the reader is familiar with the maps, she demonstrates how readers can find their own country, state, and town--all the way back to their room--on each colorful map.

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Bad Habit  


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Product Details

Keywords: breakfast, dragon, mess

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An Extrordinary Egg  

Theme: Friends and friendship

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a small miracle  

A Christmas story without words.

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color of his own  

Keywords: colors, seasons

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Keywords: Months of the Year, weather, four seasons, Christmas

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