lonely, sad, pumpkin, cauliflower, carrot, rolling,...
It was a sunny and crisp October day in the garden. The plants were happy playing in the pale aurumn sunshine.
But Pumpkin wasn't happy. Pumpkin was feeling lonely.
All the other plants lived with their friends. But there was only one pumpkin in the garden.
"Can I play with you?" he asked the carrots.
"Yes!" they said. "We're all waving our fluffy leaves!"
"I can't do that," said Pumpkin, sadly.
"Can I play with you?" he asked the sprouts.
"Yes!" they said. "Join in - we're pogo-jumping on our stalks!"
"I can't do that," said Pumpkin, very sadly.
"Can I play with you?" he asked the cauliflowers.
"Yes!" they said. "Curl up your leaves with us and play Boo!"
"I can't do that," said Pumpkin.
Now Pumpkin felt very, very sad. He gave a big sigh an rolled away.
"What are you doing?" said one of the cauliflowers.
"I'm rolling" said Pumpkin. "The only thing I can do is roll."
"That looks like fun!" said the cauliflowers. "Let's all do that!"
So Pumpkin rolled, and the cauliflowers rolled...
They rolled past the beetroot. "Roll with us!" they shouted.
They rolled past the onions. "Roll with us!" they cheered.
Soon everyone was rolling. Even teh sprouts and the carrots were rolling on their sides.
Everyone can do something special.
Now whenever Pumpkin feels lonely, he knows what to do...
His new friends are only a roll away!
Poor old Pumpkin, he's the only pumpkin in the garden and he can't find anything to join in with to stop him feeling lonely.
The Foodies Books are a series of picture story books for young children, set in a veggie patch. There is a different book for each month of the year and all the characters in each story are in season to grow or buy in the UK that month.
The book of the month is always available to read on our website.
For more information visit