
1. Are you ready? (Yes./No.)
2. Be quiet./Quiet (, please).
3. Circle the word “fish.”
4. Come here (, please).
5. Go back to your seat, (please).
6. Good job./Very good.
7. Good morning, Ms. Wang.  /    Good afternoon, Mr. Lee.
8. Goodbye./Bye.
9. Hi!/Hello!
10. How are you?
11. I’m fine./I’m (not) O.K.
12. Listen!/Listen to me!/Listen carefully!
13. Look!/Look here!
14. Open/Close your book.
15. Point to the word “fish.”
16. Raise your hand (, please)./
   Put your hand down (, please).
17. Repeat./Repeat after me (, please).
18. Sit down (, please).
19. Stand up (, please).
20. Take out/Put away your book./
   Take it out./Put it away.
21. Thank you.
22. You’re welcome.

23. Any questions?
24. Come in (, please).
25. Don't talk/run/shout.
26. Excuse me.
27. Good idea.
28. (I’m O.K.) How about you?
29. It’s your turn.
30. I’m sorry.
31. Let’s go.
32. Let’s read/count (together).
33. Line up (, please).
34. May I go to the bathroom/restroom?
35. Please turn to page 12.
36. Put down/Pick up your pencil./
   Put it down./Pick it up.
37. See you./See you later.
38. Show me your homework (, please).
39. Sorry, I don’t know.
40. Spell the word “book.”
41. Time’s up.
42. Turn on/off the light (, please).
43. Which one (do you like)?
44. Who’s next?
45. Write down the word/sentence (, please).

46. Are you done/finished?
47. Are you sure?
48. Give me a hand (, please).
49. Go on./Continue.
50. Have fun./Have a good time.
51. Hurry up (, please).
52. Is that all?
53. It’s time for lunch.
54. Just a minute (, please).
55. Make a sentence (, please).
56. May I help you/borrow your book?
57. One more time (, please).
58. Share the book (with your friends).
59. Sorry, I’m late.
60. Stop it./Don’t do it again.
61. Take it easy.
62. That’s all (for today).
63. That’s okay/all right.
64. Try again (, please).
65. Turn left/right.
66. Watch out!
67. What happened?/What’s the matter?
68. Work in pairs/groups.
69. (Speak) Louder (, please).









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