
低年段  (3句)
1. This is my book.
2. What color is it? It’s green.
3. What’s this?/What’s that?/What is it?       It’s a book/an apple/my pencil.

4. a. I am tall.
 b. He/She is tall.
5. a. What are these/those? They are tigers.
   b. Are these/those bears?
 Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.
6. a. Are you a teacher?
 Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
 b. Is he/she a doctor?
Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn’t.
7. a. Is it/this/that a banana/an apple?
     Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
8.  a. Can you dance? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.
     b. Can he/she dance?
      Yes, he/she can./No, he/she can’t.
9.  a. What are you doing (now)? I’m reading.
     b. What is he/she doing? He/She is singing.
10.  Who’s he/she? He/She is my teacher.
11. a. How old are you? I am eight year(s) old.
      b. How old is he/she? He/She is ten year(s) old.
12. a. Where is the pen?       It’s in/on/under the box.
      b. Where are the books?  They’re in/on/under the desk.
13. a. Where are you? I’m in the park/at school.
      b. Where is he/she? He/She is in the park/ at school.
14. a. What time is it? It’s one (o’clock).
      b. Is it four (o’clock)? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
15. a. What day is today? It’s Sunday.
      b. Is it Monday today?  Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
16.  How’s the weather? It’s sunny.
17. a. How many pencils (are there)? (There are) three.
      b. How many balls do you want?  I want two.
18.  How much is it? It’s five dollars.

19. a. Are you happy? Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
      b. Is he/she tall?   Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn’t.
20. a. Do you like apples?            Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
      b. Does he/she like bananas?  Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t.
21. a. What do you like? I like dogs.
      b. What does he/she like?    He/She likes cats.
22.   What would you like for breakfast?     Juice and bread, please.
23. a. Do you have a pen/an eraser?  Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
     b. Does he/she have a ruler/an orange?  Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t.
24.  How do you go to the park?  I go to the park by bike/on foot.
25.  How do you feel? I feel tired.
26.  When/What time do you get up?   I get up at six.
27. a. Whose key is it? It’s his (key).
      b. Whose shoes are they?   They’re my shoes/mine.
28. a. What are you drawing?  I’m drawing a plane.
      b. What is he/she drawing?  He’s/She’s drawing a train.
29. a. Where are you from? I’m from Taiwan.
    b. Where is he/she from?  He’s/She’s from Japan.
30. a. What do you do? I’m a nurse.
    b. What does he/she do?  He’s/She’s a teacher.

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